We often get asked how long one can comfortably stay in a Bell Tent, and our initial thought is well, how long is a piece of string?
Whilst some prefer to dip their toes, others take the plunge and that's where we introduce you to Ashton, who as of today has been sleeping under the stars from the comfort of his Classic Bell Tent for 109 nights!

All in name of charity, this year 13 year old Ashton committed himself to living in his Boutique Camping Bell Tent, pitched in his back garden for 100 night to raise awareness for The Royal British Legion Industries (RBLI), raising much needed funds to help support homeless veterans.
He has completed his 100 (his 8yr old Brother Brodie joined him in 20 of them) and currently on night 109. So far he has raised enough money to get 7 veterans into emergency accommodation, set them up & give them access to the support they need as well as training for employment. Every £255 raised will see a homeless veteran start a new chapter in their lives. Last year he slept out for 63 nights and raised an amazing £3500.

This is Ashton's 3rd year in taking part in The Great Tommy Sleep Out and has had the privilege of meeting some of the veterans who have benefited from his fundraising and have gained employment through the RBLI at Scotland's Bravest Manufacturing Company who specifically employ veterans & every time we visit they are so welcoming & inspiring.
We are super proud of this young mans initiative to help others, and are thrilled he has chosen to host it from one of a Boutique Camping Bell Tent. If you'd like to support Ashtons cause, please donate via the link here:
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